the first attempt i made to make music in any context. i was moreso a hiphop head, and lo-fi was starting to emerge into the mainstream at the time, so a lot of these tracks ended up being hip-hop adjacent. all of these tracks were made with the Android app MusicMaker Jam, which only really allowed you to arrange loops and change their key and tempo.
'Train', 'Floober Doober', and 'Resolve' were all made in roughly 2 hours, the duration of the MBTA train to and from Boston, as I was on my way to PAX East 2016. The name 'Floober Doober' comes from me asking my friend Damian for a title that day. I named the other two.
i believe 'Space Groove' was the first track i made, and 'Introvert Moment' was the last, for which i wrote a silly corny rap verse, but never performed.